Personal Training Services

Let us customize a plan for your holistic fitness that will cultivate your fittest self.


Strength and Conditioning

The key to fitness is movement. If you’re moving, you are not only engaging your body in healthy activity, but you’ll find a positive chain reaction in your mind and soul as well.

Through our strength and conditioning programs, we will build a workout that is customized to the needs of your body. You are a unique person, so what you need will differ from anyone else. We look forward to getting to know more about you and creating a program that will address your goals.

The best part is, you don’t have to think about your workouts ahead of time. You just show up, and the individualized workout is ready for you. We can’t wait to see the progress you’ll make!

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Picture of a fit woman lifting weights.

 "Fitness is the path to the fountain of youth. It is the key to aging gracefully."

— Ron Bryan

Photo of a woman's stomach with measuring tape around it.

Weight Loss

Has the number on the scale crept up on you? We’ve got some news…

You can take control of your weight!

Will it be easy? Not necessarily. (But you knew that, otherwise you wouldn’t be looking at this website.)

Can you do it? You better believe it! We are here to guide you each step of the way. We’ve helped hundreds of people like you reclaim the joy of being at their healthiest weight.

Like everything we do here at TruFit Personal Fitness, we get to know you, your background, goals, and your “why?” and create a customized plan for you.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

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Flexibility Training

Flexibility is an essential yet often underrated component of overall fitness.

Add it into your routine, and you'll reap dividends in better posture, increased range of motion for your joints and a decreased risk of injury.

We believe flexibility training is vital for everybody, so we offer it as a standalone service. Whether you're looking to do the splits (and be able to get back up), set yourself up for aging more gracefully or just get the most out of your everyday activities – we're eager to chat about how we can help you with your goals.

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Photo of a woman stretching in a gym.
Photo of basketball player holding a basketball and looking off into the distance.

Sports Performance

The only thing that separates elite and professional athletes from amateurs is training that gives them the expertise in movements and tactical improvements that keep them advancing in their sport.

Google and YouTube are excellent resources of information, but as it pertains to human movement systems, nothing beats hands-on instruction. Save time and guesswork, and prevent the chance of acting on wrong information or using the incorrect form. Incorrect form can still lead to improvement, but inevitably invites injury.

Our expertise in correct biomechanical movement and techniques are backed by science and over 20 years of training experience to help you accelerate in your favorite sport.

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"Ron’s training style is highly functional, meaning all of my daily activities are now safer and more enjoyable. No more rolled ankles on dog walks or sore back from poor posture at my desk. And yeah, my jeans fit quite a bit better!"

— Emily R.

Self Defense

The world is a scary place. Knowing how to defend yourself in the event of a personal attack or mugging has many benefits, not the least of which is a greater sense of safety and self-confidence.

Through our self-defense training, primarily offered for women, you will learn the basics of situational awareness, space, timing, and the techniques you'll need to protect yourself.

These skills will help you navigate your space and ultimately avoid unwanted conflict.

If you want to increase your overall confidence, reach out to us to schedule a session and find out more about our classes.

"The fight you walk away from is the fight you win."

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Photo of a woman learning self defense against a man in a gym.
Photo of a runner sitting down and massaging his calves

Injury Prevention

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

That saying applies to injuries just as well as anything else.

If you are taking up a new active hobby or planning to take a current one to the next level (e.g., a 5k runner training for a half or full marathon), injury prevention training is a wise investment to consider. We'll work with you to create a physical assessment based on your current routines and goals and customize a training plan for you that will keep you out doing what you love instead of being sidelined with an injury.

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Pain Management

Chronic pain? Not a problem.

Our pain management personal training sessions are custom built for you — helping you not only help you cope with the pain, but minimize or eliminate it completely.

You don't have to settle for living in pain.

The body is a marvelous machine that houses the inner you – your mind and soul. When you get your pain under control through proper movement, you regain the freedom to live in the fullest version of "you."

There are fewer things we love more than helping our clients find harmony in their body, mind, and soul through movement. If pain is disrupting that harmony, let's develop a solution for you.

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Photo of a man at the gym wincing in pain over his shoulder.
Photo of a woman kneeling down and practicing meditation.

Stress Reduction

Stress is far too common in modern life. If you're dealing with stress, you likely know that it can affect other areas of your life as well: sleep, attitude, relationships and, if left unchecked, your overall physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health. The long-term cost is far too great.

Studies show that exercise reduces stress. But what type of exercise is best? The answer varies depending on your situation and background. In our stress reduction-focused personal training, we assess all the factors contributing to your current situation to guide you in the correct type of movement that will yield optimal results.

Life is too precious and short to let stress rule your days. Allow us to help you take control of it.

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Today is when you invest in yourself!

We look forward to meeting you and helping you develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your goals!